instructional designer HEATHER HOFF


Parent-Teacher Communication


Final project for master’s level course: Systematic Design of Instruction


  • Create a professional development mini-course for K-12 teachers
  • Must use the Mediawiki platform for course delivery
  • Must have interactive elements


  • Designed a course on creating effective parent-teacher communications
  • Learned to code in the Mediawiki environment
  • Worked with the affordances offered by the technology and thought ‘outside the box’ to make a static environment interactive, collaborative and engaging


Nice work. This will be a great resource for educators! – Dr. Jianwei Zhang, professor of instructional design at UAlbany

Your course is incredibly engaging and creative. It has clear learning objectives and is engaging and collaborative. The ‘Leap Point’ is a great feature to all participants with preexisting knowledge to jump ahead. It is all well-organized and enticing; as a participant, I am drawn into each activity.D. F., user

This is a GREAT course. I was able to easily navigate throughout the course. It is very organized and not too wordy. Looking through the course I was amazed at your creativity. It is extremely interactive and grabs the eye. The class discussion is a fun way to engage your learners.A. B., user

I utilize the affordances of available technology to optimize learning environments.