instructional designer HEATHER HOFF


About Me


I am actively looking for a permanent, hybrid full-time job. The ideal position will allow me to help others by using my creativity to identify, design and implement instructional solutions using a variety of educational approaches and technology. My ideal employer values continuous growth in their employees and fosters a supportive and positive work environment.

Hi! I’m Heather.

It began with a pool noodle. Growing up a competitive swimmer, my first job was life-guarding and swim instruction. In the YMCA’s learn-to-swim program, polliwog classes learned to jump into the deep end.

My little class stood at the edge, eyes wide at the dark water, sensing danger and trembling. I sensed they might try a spin-and-grab jump, potentially cracking their tiny chins on the pool edge in the process. I looked around at what tools were available.

It was then that I developed my first technology-enhanced instructional strategy: the pool noodle game. No longer would the task be framed as leaping into that looming abyss. The children were now invited to see who could hop over a colorful, wiggling pool noodle.

They giggled, they jumped and chins were saved. The previously terrifying prospect became a treat. One parent, thrilled with his son’s swift progress from nervous side-grabber to confident jump-master, took a photo and gave it to me saying that I’d want to remember this. He was right!

Nearly thirty years, and much education and experience later, I’m still regularly protecting proverbial chins. By empathizing with the learner, I anticipate their needs, actions and the potential hazards. Then I develop, implement and revise instructional strategies to suit the situation. Playfulness often finds its way into my work, however the technology I employ these days is very rarely a pool noodle.

I bring a wealth of experience, a creative mind ready to explore possibilities and a sense of fun to my work.